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[Studio F.O.W.] Nier: First [Ass]embly [FOW-013]

2021-04-11琉璃神社acg 来源:118图库

[Studio F.O.W.] Nier: First [Ass]embly [FOW-013]

全球累计售出200万份的游戏,史克威尔艾尼克斯(SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD.)的超人气作品。
Nier: First [Ass]embly
RELEASE DATE Nov. 30, 2017, 4 p.m.
On the dark side of the moon, the cold and calculating Commander plots the next step in her battle plan to eliminate the machines: a new android weapon,
capable of infiltrating and sabotaging the enemy from within.
But before the weapon can be deployed, she must be tested in the harshest of conditions.
Watch the birth of Model 2B in this exciting prequel to the sleeper hit of 2017!

[Studio F.O.W.] Nier: First [Ass]embly [FOW-013]

[Studio F.O.W.] Nier: First [Ass]embly [FOW-013]

[Studio F.O.W.] Nier: First [Ass]embly [FOW-013]

[Studio F.O.W.] Nier: First [Ass]embly [FOW-013]

[Studio F.O.W.] Nier: First [Ass]embly [FOW-013]

[Studio F.O.W.] Nier: First [Ass]embly [FOW-013]

[Studio F.O.W.] Nier: First [Ass]embly [FOW-013]

[Studio F.O.W.] Nier: First [Ass]embly [FOW-013]

